I recently discovered the need for a real promise library (jQuery Deferreds needed a little extra). I found a library called q.js which I’ve spent the last few days attempting to wrap my head around. This all started culminating after reading this excellent post about Missing the Point of Promises.

Indeed, I was missing the point.

After dealing with jQuery deferreds inside of more jQuery deferreds, I began looking around for a different way. I thought back to the above post and decided to start looking into using it.

I started by reading the main tutorial and found myself confused about why all these methods were necessary AND how they all worked together. I happened to stumble upon a file in the repository called README.js. I suggest going through and reading that for anyone that:

  • wonders why they would want/need promises
  • is confused after reading the main tutorial for the library
  • wants a good understanding of the source of the library

I noticed quite quickly that not all the methods are documented in the documentation and that you will need to peek at the source to find/understand some (which is unfortunate).

Here’s a quick demo of something you can do that helped me make sense of promises:

Q.when($.get('/data/'))  // convert jQuery Deferred "thenable" into Q promise
.then(function(data) {
  console.log('success', data);
  data.key = 'something else';
  return Q.when($.post('/data/', data)); // convert to Q promise
.then(function(postdata) {
  // do something with postdata
.fail(function() {
  // handles failure of all above jQuery Deferred's (get/post)
  console.log('failed', arguments);

Notice how the flow is linear down the page instead of nested inside of lower scopes. jQuery Deferreds get you pretty far, but it doesn’t chain like Q promises do which make things feel very linear instead of async (which is the point of promises).

Another piece of magic above is the .done() method which can be demonstrated by the following.

Q.fcall(function() {
  var obj = {};
  if (obj.attr.oops) {
    // the above blows up because "attr" doesnt exist and "oops"
    // is not a method of "undefined"

In this case, the uncaught Exception is caught inside of the promise and reraised if not handled by fail handler if .done() is at the end of the chain. It means its very easy to construct something like the following python coders would be familiar with:

except Exception, e:

With q.js, it looks like this:

Q.fcall(function() {
  throw new Error('boom');
.fail(function(e) {
  // e is Error('boom')
.fin(function() {
  // here is your cleanup() method

Python has it as part of the syntax, but promises make the same function possible but also adding handling of async easily.

The q.js library also has a deferred similar in function to the jQuery Deferred but with all the guarantees/features of Q.

var defer = Q.defer();
var promise = defer.promise; // principle of least authority

// a promise here is exactly the same as what was accomplished above
promise.then(function(value) {
}, function(fail_value) {

// in this case, console.log(value) will print 10
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000); // wait 5 seconds, or any async method

// OR

// in this case, console.log(fail_value) will print Error('boom')
setTimeout(function() {
  defer.reject(new Error('boom'));
}, 5000);

Also with deferreds, progress bars become trivial:

var defer = Q.defer();
var promise = defer.promise;

promise.progress(function(mesg) {
.then(function(value) {

setTimeout(function() {
  defer.notify('25% complete');
}, 1000);

setTimeout(function() {
  defer.notify('50% complete');
}, 2000);

setTimeout(function() {
  defer.notify('75% complete');
}, 3000);

setTimeout(function() {
  defer.notify('100% complete');
}, 4000);

// the above prints:
// > 25% complete
// > 50% complete
// > 75% complete
// > 100% complete
// > done

There are plenty of other interesting and exciting ways to use the library. The above got me started to the point where I could start exploring other uses and I wouldn’t get bogged down in details and overly confused.

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